At our school we endeavour to develop the whole child and part of that development relates to co-curricular activities. 

We offer a number of sporting and cultural activities, together with a series of education opportunities outside the classroom. 


Marco School and parents are committed to ensuring their children are not disadvantaged by our isolated location.

The children are regularly involved in sporting and leisure activities. Most children travel long distances to be involved in Saturday and weekday sport and we have a number of students who have gone on to become representatives in the Taranaki and Provinces netball and rugby teams.

Some school sporting opportunities offered are:

Club or community sports that the students are involved with include:

Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Dance, Touch Rugby, Cricket, Basketball


Every School Needs a Library - Welcome to our library

‘You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back, relax, all you need is a book.’ Dr Seuss

Our school library is a central hub supporting every child and staff member in the entire school. Our school promotes reading by having an effective library to support each child’s learning journey at our school. Also our library supports curriculum needs and teacher resources. Our library is open during lunchtimes for activities such as craft, games, dance or just for a quiet place to read.

Education Outside the Classroom

Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) is an important part of school life at our school.

The interactions that take place while students are involved in learning outside the classroom are rich opportunities for implementing many aspects of the NZ Curriculum. 

The experiences students have together beyond the classroom are important not only because of the learning that occurs for each individual student but also for the shared experience that teachers can draw on afterwards for further learning opportunities.

Lunchtime Activities

Children are free to explore the school at lunchtimes.  Some popular lunchtime activities include: