Our Kāhui Ako

A Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako is a group of education and training providers that form around children and young people's learning pathways, and work together to help them achieve their full potential. 

Marco School belongs to  Te Kāhui Ako o Taranaki Mohoao

Papatahi ki te Ngākau,

Pūtahi ki te Atawhai

Care and Collaboration to strengthen our community

We believe we have a moral obligation to care for every child in our community so that every school and every child experiences success.

It is vital that we establish and continually redevelop strong links between the ECE, primary and secondary sectors to ensure transitions are fluid and successful for students.

Families and Whanau will have a clear vision of the pathway for their children. The wider community will understand our vision for students and share the responsibility to assist each learner to achieve their unique potential.

Fundraising Committee

We are fortunate enough to include all Marco School Parents on the fundraising team.  This team raises money to fund:

Our fundraising team does regular hay pick-ups, BBQs and other catering.

Our Local Iwi

Our school falls within the boundaries of Ngati Maru Iwi.

Sponsors and Supporters

The school in generously supported by the Whangamōmona Republic and local community.